Driven by an immense creativity, Toni Kalin has become one of the most renowned hairdressers Belgium has ever seen. His career, which spans over thirty years, has been an inspiration for fellow hairdressers. Known for his fresh approach and inspirational collections, not only the salon but the Toni Kalin Academy as well have become well established. Being the recipient of over 47 awards, Toni Kalin was named ‘Hairdresser of the Year’ four times. Making him the only one ever to reach the Belgian hairdressers ‘Hall of Fame’. Proud to be awarded so many times, Toni Kalin has and will always stay humble and grateful for the crossings on his path.
There is no I in team
Toni is not flying solo in his successes. Through the years he and his wife Stephanie have built a strong relationship, each focussing on their own skills but complementing each other in every step. While Toni concentrates on cuts, Stephanie has become a sought-after hair colourist. Education is key, not only when giving classes, but also when it comes to training their own staff. Toni Kalin salons & their crew have become renowned for their strong skills, fresh approach and impeccable results. The indicated awards were also won through the hard work of our international artistic team, including: Jimmy Bollaerts as a fashion photographer.
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